Peter Lõhmus worked for some two decades as a financial expert at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington. He was also an advisor to the European Commission in 2009‒2013 and Deputy Governor of Eesti Pank in 1997‒2000. He now works as a consultant on various projects at the IMF and the World Bank and is Chair of the Supervisory Board of the think tank Praxis and of the Open Estonia Foundation.
Peter Lõhmus graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Tallinn University of Technology and has a Master’s degree in economic policy management from Columbia University in New York in the USA. Peter Lõhmus CV
Viljar Arakas is a founder and chairman of the management board of EfTEN Capital, the largest real estate fund manager in the Baltic states. Previously he was chair of the board at the real estate company Arco Vara. As well as sitting on the boards of several businesses he has been a board member at the Estonian Service Industry Association and at the Riigireformi Sihtasutus.
Viljar Arakas has a Master’s degree from EBS (Estonian Business School). Viljar Arakas CV
Robert Kitt is an experienced leader in the banking industry and an expert in economics, and is currently heading the district heating company of the Utilitas Group since 2021. He has earlier been involved in managing several companies, private associations and civil society organisations, and was a member of the think tank advising the President of the Republic.
Robert Kitt defended his Doctorate in Physics at Tallinn University of Technology in 2005 and has later been a researcher and a lecturer at that institution. Robert Kitt CV
Ülo Kaasik has been Deputy Governor of Eesti Pank since July 2011 and has worked at the central bank since 1999, first as an economist in the research division and then from 2007 as head of the monetary policy division. He also worked for two years as economic adviser to the prime minister.
Ülo Kaasik graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Tartu and holds a Master’s degree in economics from Tallinn University of Technology. Ülo Kaasik CV
Martti Randveer has been Head of the Economics and Research Department at Eesti Pank since 2011. Prior to that he headed the research division for almost ten years, having been an economist in that division for six years before that.
Martti Randveer graduated in Economics from Tallinn University of Technology and holds a Master’s degree and a Doctorate in economics from the same institution. Martti Randveer CV
Karin Jõeveer is the Director of the Department of Economics and Finance at Tallinn University of Technology. She has carried out research at the London School of Economics and lectured at several different universities in the United Kingdom.
She holds a Master’s degree in economics from the University of Tartu and a doctorate from the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education – Economics Institute (CERGE-EI) at Charles University in Czechia. Karin Jõeveer CV